Support lower dimensional polytopes in volesti and use existing methods to sample from them

COBRA Toolbox and MATLAB

The following code was performed on MATLAB (see on COBRA Toolbox tutorial) in oder to get a fully dimensional polytope, sample on it and then plot the values of a certain reaction (coordinate 12).

model = e_coli_core;
ATP = 'ATPS4r'; 
ibm = find(ismember(model.rxns, ATP)); % column index of the ATP demand reaction
model.c = zeros(length(model.c),1);
[samples, roundedPolytope, minFlux, maxFlux] = chrrSampler(model, 100, 2000,1);
nbins = 20;
[yUn, xUn] = hist(samples(ibm, : ), nbins);
f2 = figure;
plot(xUn, yUn);
xlabel('Flux (mmol/gDW/h)')
ylabel('# samples')
Here is the plot returned:
Plot from MATLAB

Plot from MATLAB

Volesti and R

Simultaneously, we performed the similar task using volesti R package in order to compare the output returned.

Here are the libraries needed

## R.matlab v3.6.2 (2018-09-26) successfully loaded. See ?R.matlab for help.
## Attaching package: 'R.matlab'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     getOption, isOpen
## Loading required package: Rcpp

Get the rounded polytope file (.mat) and read it

rounded_polytope_file = "/home/haris/Desktop/gsoc2020/gsoc2020/roundedPolytope.mat"
rounded_polytope = readMat(rounded_polytope_file)
rounded_polytope = rounded_polytope$poly

We keep all the variables needed in order to move from the rounded polytope back to the initial.

A_init = rounded_polytope[1]
A_init = A_init[[1]]
A = A_init[[1]]

b_init = rounded_polytope[2]
b_init = b_init[[1]]
b = b_init[[1]]

G_init = rounded_polytope[5]
G_init = G_init[[1]]
G = G_init[[1]]

shift_init = rounded_polytope[6]
shift_init = shift_init[[1]]
shift = shift_init[[1]]

And now we have A and b defining our full dimensional polytope (this transformations occured in the Matlab step), G for getting fron n-m dimensions back to n (low dimensional polytope) and ‘shift’ a variable that allows us to move our polytope.

Sample from our rounded, low dimension polytope

N = 2000
full_dim_polytope = Hpolytope$new(A=A, b=b)
points = sample_points(full_dim_polytope, n=N, random_walk = list("walk" = "BiW", "walk_length" = 2))
## [1]   24 2000

Map our sampling points back to the full dimension polytope

steady_states = G%*%points + matrix(rep(shift,N), ncol = N)
## [1]   95 2000


And this is the corresponding plot for our comparison with COBRA Toolbox (coordinate 12)

hist(steady_states[12,], # my sampling points when returned in the low dimensional polytope
     col="#001440", # column color
     prob = TRUE, # show densities instead of frequencies
     xlab = "Flux (mmol/gDW/h)",
     main = "")

And here is an example of how the different reactions of our metabolic network differ at the steady states