Phen models supported

Phen traits have been annotated to all representative GTDB genomes. Here are the corresponding abbreviations’ descriptions. Each function is referring to the species under study (node).

NOBpart of the clade of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria
T3SSexpresses a Type III secretion system
T6SSexpresses a Type VI secretion system
aSaccharolytichas an asaccharolytic lifestyle
aceticAcidproduces acetic acid
aobis part of the clade of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria
autoCo2is capable of growth with CO2 as sole carbon source
butanolproduces butanol
butyricAcidproduces butyric acid
dGlucoseutilizes D-glucose
dLacticAcidproduces D lactic acid
ethanolspecies producing ethanol
fermentativehas a Fermentative lifestyle
fixingN2capable of fixing N2
formicAcidproducing formic_acid
gtdbId*GTDB id of the genome used for this analysis
halophilichalophilic lifestyle
hydrogenproducing hydrogen
indoleproducing indole
isobutyricAcidproducing isobutyric_acid
isovalericAcidproducing isovaleric_acid
lLacticAcidproducing L_lactic_acid
methanotrophcapable of growth with methane as the sole carbon source
nonFermentativehas a nonfermentative lifestyle
phototrophyis able of phototrophy
psychrophilicspecies has a psychrophilic lifestyle
rAcetoinis producing R_acetoin
saccharolytichas a Saccharolytic lifestyle
succinicAcidis producing succinic_acid
sulfateReduceris capable of using sulfate as terminal electron acceptor
symbionthas an obligate intracellular lifestyle
thermophilicspecies has a thermophilic lifestyle

* not returned by a Phen model