Phen models supported
Phen traits have been annotated to all representative GTDB genomes. Here are the corresponding abbreviations’ descriptions. Each function is referring to the species under study (node).
Abbreviation | Description |
NOB | part of the clade of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria |
T3SS | expresses a Type III secretion system |
T6SS | expresses a Type VI secretion system |
aSaccharolytic | has an asaccharolytic lifestyle |
aceticAcid | produces acetic acid |
aob | is part of the clade of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria |
autoCo2 | is capable of growth with CO2 as sole carbon source |
butanol | produces butanol |
butyricAcid | produces butyric acid |
dGlucose | utilizes D-glucose |
dLacticAcid | produces D lactic acid |
ethanol | species producing ethanol |
fermentative | has a Fermentative lifestyle |
fixingN2 | capable of fixing N2 |
formicAcid | producing formic_acid |
gtdbId * | GTDB id of the genome used for this analysis |
halophilic | halophilic lifestyle |
hydrogen | producing hydrogen |
indole | producing indole |
isobutyricAcid | producing isobutyric_acid |
isovalericAcid | producing isovaleric_acid |
lLacticAcid | producing L_lactic_acid |
methanotroph | capable of growth with methane as the sole carbon source |
nonFermentative | has a nonfermentative lifestyle |
phototrophy | is able of phototrophy |
psychrophilic | species has a psychrophilic lifestyle |
rAcetoin | is producing R_acetoin |
saccharolytic | has a Saccharolytic lifestyle |
succinicAcid | is producing succinic_acid |
sulfateReducer | is capable of using sulfate as terminal electron acceptor |
symbiont | has an obligate intracellular lifestyle |
thermophilic | species has a thermophilic lifestyle |
* not returned by a Phen model