Run microbetag by making use of your own bins/MAGs or GENREs


Docker image Tutorial files GitHub release

Table of contents

  1. Input and config.yml files
  2. Output
  3. GEM reconstruction step
  4. Using Docker
  5. Using Singularity/Apptainer

This tutorial is for advanced users that have some basic experience working on a terminal.

Contrary to previous cases, this scenario is not performed from within the CytoscapeApp.

The user needs to run microbetag first on their computing environment (personal computer, HPC etc.) and then load the returned annotated network to Cytoscape.

In the Cytoscape App tutorial, our sequences were already taxonomically assigned before running microbetag and their taxonomies were mapped to representative GTDB genomes. microbetag then used these genomes for the annotation steps.

However, in case of shotgun metagenomics one may end up with their own bins while further refinement of the latter can lead to Metagenome-Assembled Genomes (MAGs). In case of high quality MAGs, i.e. high completeness and low contamination, they can be used directly for the annotation steps of microbetag. Yet, this requires computing resources and time much higher than those that our web-server can support.

Thus, we provide a version of microbetag as a stand-alone, containerized tool so that users can annotate a co-occurrence network using their own bins/MAGs. To do that, you need first to make sure you have either Docker or Singularity/Apptainer in the computing system to be used for running microbetag. The last is common in HPC systems and if you are about to use such a system, you should ask your admin for more information.

On top of the abundance table and your genomes/bins/MAGs, to go for this case you need:

  • Docker / Singularity (containerization technology)
  • the microbetag image based on the containerization technology you are using (see below for how to get microbetag as a Docker or a Singularity image)
  • the config.yml file where you set the parameters for how to run microbetag

Running microbetag using your own genomes/bins/MAGs requires significant computing time and/or resources. In this tutorial, we will use a very short number of bins (7) to showcase the various steps microbetag implements. Yet, it still gets more than a couple of hours to go through all the different steps to get all the possible supported annotations. In our experience, memory (RAM) requirements should not be a challenge; memory would be an issue only with really large networks. microbetag is more often than not thread-limited, i.e. it needs computing power to go through the annotation steps.


A complete example of running microbetag locally using the modelseedpy library for GEM reconstruction with all the intermediate files produced can be found in the dev_io_microbetag folder of the user-bins branch on the GitHub repo.

In the initial run, there are only 3 input files:

  • the config.yml file; allows you to set all the relative parameters for microbetag to run
  • an abundance table (following the format of the Cytoscape app tutorial) called thirty_Samples.tsv, and
  • its corresponding edge list (edgelist.csv)


The config and the abundance table files are mandatory. Always keep those (and the edge list if available) in the root of your input/output folder; i.e. in the path you set as your io_path in the config.yml file.

Input and config.yml files

The config.yml file is rather important as it is the one that allows you to set your microbetag run. A number of the parameters there correspond to tools that are invoked while others have to do with alternative routes that microbetag can follow for the annotation of the network. Read carefully the description of each argument before setting a value. Here, we highlight some of them.

  • abundance_table_file: path to your abundance table; the abundance table needs to follow the instructions for any abundance table to be used with microbetag, i.e., sequence identifier in the first column, sample names in the first row and a 7-level taxonomy in the last column; of course, you may provide the output of the microbetag preprocessing step as an abundance table.

  • input_type_for_seed_complementarities: This is a key parameter for running microbetag locally; based on whether you already have annotated your genomes (either using other software or from previous runs of microbetag) you can use different input files as the starting point for getting the seed complementarities. The sequence_files_for_reconstructions parameter is strongly related to this. For example, if you have already GEMs reconstructed based on your genomes, you may set this to input_type_for_seed_complementarities to models and then, provide the folder name with your GEMs in the sequence_files_for_reconstructions parameter (e.g. my_xmls). Likewise, if you do not have GEMs, but you already have RAST annotations, you may set input_type_for_seed_complementarities to proteins_faa and give the path to those in the sequence_files_for_reconstructions parameter.

  • seed_complementarity: since this is the most time and resource consuming step, the user may choose not to go for it. By setting this to Fasle, none of the steps for GEMs reconstruction or seed complementarity inference will be performed.

  • flashweave_args: all the arguments under this umbrella term are related to how FlashWeave will perform, check on the FAQs but also the FlashWeave GitHub repo for more.

Please, go through the parameters of the config.yml file carefully and make sure you keep this file in your io_path.


In the config.yml file, you can set the location of your input files using the io_path parameter. Additionally, you can specify the output_directory, which is the name of the folder that will be created within the io_path to store all the output files generated by microbetag. Here we discuss the folders and the files you will find under the output_directory. We dot not always follow the order with which the files are generated.

The annotated .cx network file

The main output file (end proudct) of microbetag can be found in the output_directory you set in your config.yml file; the microbetag-annotated network called This is the file you need to load in your Cytoscape and then after enabling the MGG visual style and the MGG results panel you can investigate your annotated network! This file is in .cx2 format.


A folder called faprotax is made where there is a subfolder, called sub_tables and a file whith the sum of the abundances of the taxa found with a specific process in each sample , called functional_otu_table.tsv. In the sub_tables folder, a file for each process is available mentioning the genomes/bins found related with the process udner study and their relative abundance per sample.

For example, the aerobic_nitrite_oxidation.txt looks like:

d__Bacteria;p__Proteobacteria;c__Alphaproteobacteria;o__Rhizobiales;f__Xanthobacteraceae;g__Nitrobacter;s__Nitrobacter sp001896955bin_324310567395854469404281
d__Bacteria;p__Proteobacteria;c__Alphaproteobacteria;o__Rhizobiales;f__Xanthobacteraceae;g__Nitrobacter;s__Nitrobacter sp001897285bin_223478769642595407116785240


  • train.genotype file: this is the output of the phenotrex program annotating your genomes/bins with COG families using the latest

  • predictions folder: within this folder, a file with the predictions for presence/absence of each trait in each of our genomes along with a confidence score are available. For example, the symbiont.prediction.tsv file, in our test case looks like:

# Trait: Symbiont  
IdentifierTrait presentConfidence


microbetag invokes prodigal to extract Open Reading Frames (ORFs). It creates a folder called ORFs in the output_directory and for each genome/bin it returns 3 files:

  • .gbk: Genbank-like format (for more information check here)
  • .faa: the reading frames as aminoacid sequences
  • .ffn: the reading frames as nucleic acid sequences


If you have already calculated the ORFs of your genomes before start using microbetag, you can create a folder within your output_directory called ORFs and move there all your .faa files. This way, microbetag will be using those instead of running prodigal.

You .faa files should look like this:

>c_000000001749_1 # 2 # 913 # 1 # ID=1_1;partial=10;start_type=Edge;rbs_motif=None;rbs_spacer=None;gc_cont=0.479

KEGG annotations

microbetag makes use of the hmmsearch tool and the kofam_database profiles to check which KOs are present in each of your genomes. In the output_directory, microbetag creates a folder called KEGG_annotations and there it builds a folder called hmmout, where it keeps all the 24.728 .hmmout files for each genome.
Once all the .hmmout files are there for all the genomes/bins under study, microbetag builds a file called ko_merged.txt based on the DiTing implementation, that looks like this:


This file is the main component for microbetag to proceed with the pathway complementarity step.


If you have already hmm profiles either from analysis before using microbetag or from previous microbetag runs of your genomes, you can create a folder called hmmout within the KEGG_annotations folder of your output_directory and move all the .hmmout profiles of your bins there. An .hmmout file would looks like:

root@8649bd465c24:/data/microbetag_local/KEGG_annotations/hmmout# more K00005.bin_101.hmmout 
#                                                               --- full sequence ---- --- best 1 domain ---- --- domain number estimation ----
# target name        accession  query name           accession    E-value  score  bias   E-value  score  bias   exp reg clu  ov env dom rep inc description of target
#------------------- ---------- -------------------- ---------- --------- ------ ----- --------- ------ -----   --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---------------------
c_000000006615_9     -          K00005               -            1.2e-98  327.2   0.0   1.4e-98  327.0   0.0   1.0   1   0   0   1   1   1   1 # 14663 # 15772 # 1 # ID=74_9;partial=00;start_type=TTG;rbs_motif=AGGAGG;rbs_spacer=5-10bp;gc_cont=0.449
# Program:         hmmsearch
# Version:         3.4 (Aug 2023)
# Pipeline mode:   SEARCH
# Query file:      /microbetag/microbetagDB/ref-dbs/kofam_database/profiles/K00005.hmm
# Target file:     /data/microbetag_local/ORFs/bin_101.faa
# Option settings: hmmsearch -o /dev/null --tblout /data/microbetag_local/KEGG_annotations/hmmout/K00005.bin_101.hmmout -T 324.27 --cpu 1 /microbetag/microbetagDB/ref-dbs/kofam_database/profiles/K00005.hmm /data/microbetag_local/ORFs/bin_101.faa 
# Current dir:     /microbetag
# Date:            Mon Aug  5 11:06:08 2024
# [ok]

If you already have the ko_merged.txt file, you can only add a copy of it in the KEGG_annotations folder (the hmmout files are not necessary in this case) and microbetag will use this directly skipping the hmmsearch step.


Running microbetag locally using your own genomes/bins/MAGs can take significant computing time and resources. In this tutorial, we use only a short number of bins that has almost no biological significance. What we want to accomplish here is to make sure that you can run microbetag locally. Indicatively, using a Linux machine and allocating 2 CPUs it took more than 1 hour for the KO annotation of just those 7 bins. Running the complete workflow could get up to 6-7 hours based on the approach you will choose to reconstruct your GEMs.

carveme is much more robust in running smoothly and faster since it does not require a RAST connection (see following paragraph).

GEM reconstruction step

microbetag supports 2 ways to reconstruct GEMs based on the user’s genomes/bins:

  1. using the modelseedpy Python library
  2. using the CarveMe tool

In the first case, modelseedpy requires RAST-annotated genomes. microbetag can do that on its own starting from your genome sequences; alternative, you may provide these to be used for the GEM reconstruction directly if you already have them (either from previous microbetag runs or from other software).

modelseedpy needs to establish a connection to the RAST server (RastClient()) In some cases, based on the status of the RAST server, we have observed that time errors may occur. In this case, microbetag will exit and force a restart of its running on its own! Yet, it is a good practice to also check its status when the modelseed reconstruction step is running.

In the following paragraphs, we highlight how to go for different scenarios of GEMs reconstruction using different file types as initial starting points. One need to combine 2 parameters of the config.yml file to specify those scenarios: the input_type_for_seed_complementarities where one specifies the file type and the sequence_files_for_reconstructions that points to the directory where the files to be used are located.

using modelseedpy and your bins

in this case, you have set

  • input_type_for_seed_complementarities as bins_fasta, and
  • sequence_files_for_reconstructions is blank
  • genre_reconstruction_with as modelseedpy

Then, microbetag will use RASTtk programs to RAST annotate the original genomes/bins. In the output_directory, a folder called reconstructions has been built and in this case, 3 files for each genome/bin are now available:

  • .gto and .gto_2: these are genome typed object, i.e. JSON files that are compatible with KBase. The .gto_2 is a second genome typed object with all the RAST annotation data.
  • .faa includes the same information as the .gto_2 file, but we export the protein translations in .fasta format

For our 7 genomes/bins this step may take about 1 hour depending on your computing system

using modelseedpy and your already RAST annotated genomes

Assuming you already have the .faa files coming from the rast-tk package, you may use them directly by setting

  • input_type_for_seed_complementarities as proteins_faa, and
  • sequence_files_for_reconstructions as the path to the folder with your .faa files
  • genre_reconstruction_with as modelseedpy

In this case, microbetag will have to establish connections with the RAST client like before.

If your annotated genomes include the DNA sequences instead of the protein ones (.fna files) you may use them by setting the input_type_for_seed_complementarities as coding_regions.

using carveme

  • input_type_for_seed_complementarities as bins_fasta
  • sequence_files_for_reconstructions is blank
  • genre_reconstruction_with as carveme

In this case, under the reconstructions file, we have a .tsv file for each genome/bin with the findings of the diamond against the internal database of carveme with the BiGG reactions.


For a thorough description of each column, you may check this here.

GEMs already available

In this case, you may use your GEMs directly for the seed complementarities inference by setting:

  • input_type_for_seed_complementarities as models
  • sequence_files_for_reconstructions pointing to directory with the .xml files
  • genre_reconstruction_with can be left blank or any value; it will not be considered

PhyloMInt post process

After microbetag performs PhyloMInt, it runs a step to post-process the seed and the non seed sets as initially returned by:

  • removing compounds from seed sets that are related to environmental metabolites that can be produced in several ways within the cell.
  • removing from non seed sets compounds that cannot be produced in any other way than from entering the cell from the environment.

The numbers of this post process are recorded in the log.tsv file that can be found under the seed_complementarity folder that looks like this:


This post process step is necessary since we use a complete medium to gapfill the model.

One may come with alternative procedures on how to gap fill in terms of minimising the missing potential cross-feedings, but at the same time not over-predicting such cases.

Using Docker

Once you have installed Docker locally, you may run

docker pull hariszaf/microbetag:v1.0.2

to get microbetag locally.

Version is essential!

Please, make sure you are aware of the version you are using. Latest versions may fix reported bugs or have new features. It is important to always be aware of the version you are using and report it when you are about to submit any issues.

Then, you need to get a copy of the kofam database to allow the annotation of your sequences with KEGG ORTHOLOGY terms. You may get this by running the following chunk of code:

mkdir kofam_database &&\
    cd kofam_database &&\
    wget -c &&\
    wget -c &&\
    gzip -d ko_list.gz &&\
    tar zxvf profiles.tar.gz 

Now, you need to download the config.yml file that accompanies microbetag, to set the values to the required and optional arguments of your choice.

In this file, each argument has a required field that denotes whether it is mandatory to be set or not.

One may provide just an abundance table and the corresponding bins/MAGs sequence files.


The filenames of your bins/MAGs need to have the same name, like those in your abundance table. For example, if in the abundance table you have bin101, then the corresponding filename of the bin should be bin101.fa or bin101.fasta etc. This will soon be changed so a mapping file can be used instead. Until then though microbetag will fail if that is not the case.

In case you do not already have GENREs for your bins/MAGs, microbetag supports two ways for the reconstruction of metabolic networks:

  • using modelseedpy that required RAST annotation of your bins and are based on the ModelSEED resource and identifiers,
  • using carveme that can be performed in both DNA and protein sequences, make use of the BiGG identifiers and required a Gurobi license (see section GEM reconstruction step) This can be a rather time-consuming step, especially using modelseedpy.

As you may already have gene predictions for your bins/MAGs, or even protein annotations, you may also provide them to microbetag, so those steps can be skipped. If you have already built metabolic networks, then in case they are based on either ModelSEED or BiGG identifiers, you may provide them so seed scores and seed complementarities can be computed directly on them.

Input folder

To conclude, your input folder to be mounted will look like this:

u0156635@gbw-l-l0074:microbetag$ ls 

where in the my_bins folder you have:

u0156635@gbw-l-l0074:microbetag$ ls bins/

Once your input folder is ready, you can mount it on your Docker container and run microbetag:

docker run --rm -it  \
    --volume=./tests/dev_io_microbetag/:/data \
    --volume=./microbetagDB/ref-dbs/kofam_database/:/microbetag/microbetagDB/ref-dbs/kofam_database/ \
    --volume=$PWD/gurobi.lic:/opt/gurobi/gurobi.lic:ro \
    --entrypoint /bin/bash  \

The --volume flag allows you to mount a local directory to a specific path in the container. It is essential that the right parts of the volumes are kept as above! For example, when using carveme, a gurobi license is required; microbetag expects the license unde the /opt/gurobi path, so you need to make sure all the right parts of the volumes are as above and that the left parts point to your local paths.

Remember! It is strongly suggested all the files and folders you mount to be part of your root path; meaning the directory from which you initiate your Docker container.

For example, if you observe the last chunk of code, you will notice that both kofam_database and gurobi.lic and the input-output folder called dev_io_microbetag they are all within my root folder ~/github_repos/KU/microbetag from where I run the docker run command.

A Web License Service (WLS) Gurobi license in case you are about to use carveme. You may find the following link useful on how to do that.

Once you have fired a container, you can now run microbetag using the following command:

root@20510f8400f1:/microbetag# python3 /data/config.yml 

Using Singularity/Apptainer

These technologies are widely used in High Performance Computing (HPC) systems. In case you are about to use microbetag in such a system, you first need to build a Singularity image (.simg) based on the Docker one:

sudo singularity build microbetag_v102.simg docker://hariszaf/microbetag:v1.0.2

You will need to have sudo rights to run this command. If you do not have sudo rights, you can either ask your admin to do so or run the build command in a similar environment, e.g. your own Linux based laptop and move it to the HPC with a single scp command. Also, you can ask your admin or check your HPC documentation site how they deal with Docker images and follow their lead.

Once a .simg image is available, you may run microbetag again by mounting the necessary paths:

singularity exec 
    -B tests/dev_io_microbetag/:/data  
    -B microbetagDB/ref-dbs/kofam_database/:/microbetag/microbetagDB/ref-dbs/kofam_database/
    -B $PWD/gurobi.lic:/opt/gurobi/gurobi.lic:ro  
    python3 /microbetag/ /data/config.yml