PEMA investigating metabarcoding


Hey there!
This is the PEMA main site for how to use and further metabarcoding tips and hints!

You may find PEMA as a Docker and as a Singularity container.

Here is the PEMA GitHub repository if you want to have a look on the source code and why not, to contribute to!

For any running issues you may have, or for any further features you would like to see included on PEMA, you can reach us through the PEMA Gitter community or at .

Thanks for your interest on PEMA! Keep metabarcoding!

The PEMA team


To cite PEMA:
Zafeiropoulos H, Viet HQ, Vasileiadou K, Potirakis A, Arvanitidis C, Topalis P, Pavloudi C, Pafilis E. PEMA: a flexible Pipeline for Environmental DNA Metabarcoding Analysis of the 16S/18S ribosomal RNA, ITS, and COI marker genes. GigaScience. 2020 Mar;9(3):giaa022.

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